Monday, March 14, 2011

Miss Hannah

Been awhile since I have written on here, figured I would come update on how things are with Miss Hannah. I am now 33 weeks along. The past couple months we have had the complication of extra fluid, now two weeks in a row of ultrasounds it looks like the fluid is back to normal. My tummy measurement is still a week ahead but that isn't that abnormal. She looks to be growing great on the ultrasounds, right around where she should be. For awhile her tummy was measuring really big but they think that is normal now too since the radiologist didn't mention it in his report. I am going twice a week now for stress tests and so far everything is looking good. My blood pressure is great, my oxygen level is perfect and Hannah's heartbeat is good. Once a week the doctors are doing ultrasounds and we learned last week Hannah is in an odd position, today it was confirmed she still is. They are calling it breech but she is more crooked, lol. Her head is under my ribcage and then she goes diagonally down to where her feet are by my opposite hip. They think what happened is when I had all the extra fluid she was moving around a lot, which is normal with the extra fluid, they don't usually get into a position and stay lol. But now that the fluid is gone she doesn't have the room to move down into position.

They don't think she is going to move into position so they told me my two options of what can be done if she doesn't move by 36 weeks, which again they don't think she will. I can either get an inversion done, aka they move her or do a c-section. Both of them have risks so we have to decide which risks we want to take. For the inversion there is the risk of placenta abruption, water breaking, her heartbeat dropping, or the cord being to short, which would be one of the reasons why she didn't get into the right position. If any of those things happen then they would do an emergency c-section. They didn't lie to me and told me that those risks do frequently happen. But with the position of my placenta and this being my 5th pregnancy I am a good candidate for the inversion. The c-section has all the normal surgery risks, which are increased with me being overweight and a family history of bloodclots.

After talking with Dwayne this afternoon I think we have decided to try the inversion first. I haven't had a c-section with any of the others and really don't want to have one if I don't have to. Surgery just scares me, lol. Not to mention the longer recovery time and the higher chance of infection with be me being overweight.
From what I understand I will go in on the 4th for my normal stress test then they will take me into the OR do an ultrasound to confirm she is still breech. Then I will get an epideral and they will try to move her. If there are no complications they will keep me for atleast 3 hours to monitor her heartbeat and make sure everything is okay. Then I will go on with the pregnancy until I go naturally into labor or if I make it to 39 weeks they will induce me. If there are any complications they will go ahead and to the c-section right there since I will already be in the OR and already have the epideral in. She will be considered a week early if that happens but that isn't that big of a deal, but could mean she has to stay for a few days longer than normal.

So as of right now I will continue with my stress tests twice a week until the 36 week mark, do the inversion and hopefully continue on with the pregnancy. We both just feel it is the best choice for our family, hopefully this way we can avoid a c-section.

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